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2004-09-21 - 3:44 a.m.


This post is not for the faint of heart.

I shouldn�t write this now because I�m sick with anger and disgust about the latest beheading in Iraq. For those of you that have that have only read about these or heard descriptions on the radio, in reality, the savagery and brutality of these events defies any description.

What I�m about to say would sound absurd if not for the events we find ourselves in today. It is one thing to kill another human being in war or in punishment for heinous crimes. It is another to pick a person at random and exact retribution on that person in the most brutal way you can imagine.

I am fully aware that terrible things have happened on both sides of this war, including the beating to death of prisoners held by US forces. My outrage is directed equally at anyone who in cold blood would senselessly take another persons life regardless of their nationality.

As you may know in many Arab countries, serious offenders are put to death by beheading. This is done by a professional, with a sword, and it is very quick. I cannot say that it is entirely without pain, but I can state from medical evidence that any pain felt by the subject would last no more than a few seconds, less than ten.

The savages that are beheading innocent civilians in Iraq are not even giving them the hard charity of a quick death. The victim is bound, the head is pulled back and the executioner clumsily saws away at the throat with a knife. The victim struggles violently, screaming first, then the screams are drowned in bloody gurgles, and finally the most horrifying sound of the body continuing to scream without the head, loud inhalations and exhalations of air from the severed windpipe. In the most brutal cases the victim is left with the head still attached at the spine, while the rest of the body dies slowly and terribly. In these cases the victim can remain conscious for as long as a minute. Then the head is completely severed. At best when the head is severed as �quickly� as possible act takes at least 30 seconds.

This is unimaginable cruelty, and it is perpetrated on innocents, while the executioners are shouting �Allah Ackhbar!� (God Is Great)

I would call on all believing Muslims to rise up against this abomination and turn against these criminals. Offer them no safe harbor, attack them at every corner, and expel them from the body of the faithful. If Allah is great, how could he possible be served by this cold blooded murder? I am Christian, a people of the book, and by law given to Mohammad I implore you defend the innocent people of the book within your land.


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